EM used Abeka's 2nd Grade Language Arts program very successfully. My biggest goal for her for second grade was that she would learn to read fluently. I believe Abeka has helped her to accomplish this! She went from struggling to sound out words at the beginning of the year to reading smoothly with good comprehension at the end. She has even learned to enjoy reading and has read several non-picture books on her own. I couldn't really ask for more!
Some cons about the Abeka program: The spelling lists didn't explain spelling rules, so it was a memorization-only type program. Once EM mastered the special phonics sounds, the special sounds drills became busy work.
JR completed All About Reading Level 1 this year. It was a great continuation of where we left off last year using AAR Pre-Reading. He can sound out single syllable, short vowel words and knows about 20 sight words. He was recently introduced to long vowels. AAR made the process of beginning to read an easy process and even fun on occasion! He especially enjoyed the games.
JR also used Explode the Code Online to reinforce phonics concepts. It has been nice because it's something he can work on independently. He enjoys using the computer, so that is a plus as well.
I plan on continuing to read with JR through the summer and having him continue using ETC so he doesn't loose ground.
I'm very proud of my 2nd Grade and Kindergarten graduates!